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Norwich City: David Wagner on Cardiff and speculation

Norwich City head coach, David Wagner, has received support from the club’s top management and the incoming sporting director, Ben Knapper. Despite the pressure to deliver results, Wagner remains focused and unaffected by speculation about his potential replacement. He emphasized that he does not get involved in outside noise and does not pay attention to social media or media in general, as it costs him more energy than it gives. Wagner believes that everyone has to decide for themselves whether they find positive energy in media and social media, and he chooses not to engage in it.

After Norwich City’s 3-1 defeat to Blackburn, questions were raised about whether Wagner would resign. However, he maintained composure and emphasized that fear is not helpful in his line of work. He remains focused on day-to-day work and aims to reassure his players of their qualities and abilities. Wagner is determined to instill trust and belief in his players and understands that ultimately, it is up to them to win football matches. He acknowledges that his role is to deal with the public and the media, but the focus should be on the players and their performance.

Despite the pressure and the moments of suffering in his coaching career, Wagner’s focus remains on the players and their ability to win games. He emphasizes that it is not about him, but about how the team can turn their performance around and reach the level they were at the beginning of the season. He highlights the importance of the players being healthy and the squad being together, as this is when the team is capable of showcasing its true potential. Wagner’s approach is to provide the players with the trust and belief in their abilities, while also acknowledging that they hold the responsibility for winning matches. He remains confident that the team can return to their peak performance level and is determined to support and lead them towards this goal.

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