Norfolk family’s hope after nightmare accident

In April 2022, seven-year-old Nathanael Howes was tragically run over by his family’s car, resulting in catastrophic life-threatening head and brain injuries. His parents, Alan and Lindsay Howes, along with their two adult daughters, have been sharing their story of suffering in order to offer hope and encouragement to others. Nathanael was put in an induced coma for four weeks and underwent two brain surgeries and numerous procedures at Addenbrookes Hospital. His traumatic brain injury left him unable to sit, stand, walk, talk, eat, or drink, and the family spent three months in the hospital before transferring to a specialist neuro rehabilitation center in Surrey for a further three months. Throughout this time, the family received an outpouring of support from family, friends, and the Christian community, and they have seen miraculous healing and progress in Nathanael’s recovery.
Alan and Lindsay Howes began to feel that their story of suffering should be shared to offer hope and encouragement to others, and they have been speaking at churches and working on publishing a book to reach a wider audience. They believe that their ongoing suffering journey is accompanied by God’s strength and mercy, and they want to share the hope, encouragement, and strength they have personally experienced with others in need. They acknowledge that life is not free from pain and suffering for the majority of people, but through their experiences, they have found hope, encouragement, and even joy, and they believe that God promises to carry them, sustain them, and give them strength in suffering.
The Howes family’s suffering journey is ongoing as they continue to come to terms with the effects of Nathanael’s traumatic brain injury, but they are sustained by their faith and the support of others. They have launched a website, write weekly blogs, and are sharing their story in churches across Norfolk and beyond. They want to offer hope and encouragement to others who are going through similar experiences and believe that through suffering, they can find strength and support from God. They invite anyone interested in contacting them or reading their blog to visit their website at