Pioneer workers help Norfolk ministry expand

ENYP continues to develop its work and ministry across Norfolk and Suffolk, and this growth means more of the team are released into their calling to serve in ministry.
In the next couple of months ENYP welcomes a new Pioneer Children’s Worker to the team to help develop our children’s work, schools work and discipleship programmes as part of ENYP’s 5 key area development strategy.
Lucy Stone [pictured left] will be starting as a Pioneer Children’s Worker in June. She said, “I have been working with ENYP for the last two years as part of my degree course and as this is coming to an end I am extremely excited to take on a role within the staff team. I am looking forward to developing the work we do in schools, developing the way we disciple the young people, and seeing how our ‘Grow, Advance, Lead’ strategy can be developed in the clubs we do. Mostly though, I am so privileged to be able to continue seeing lives changed by Jesus’ power.”
ENYP has also been building relationships and developing work in Lowestoft for the past 18 months. During that time they have established some children’s and youth work provision and have been connecting with local organisations and churches in the area to develop their Regional Hub. In recent months they have focused on building the work further and one of the ENYP team will soon be moving to Lowestoft to develop the Regional Hub, and to develop further partnership opportunities in the area with St Marks, Oulton Broad.
Kim Lawrence, [pictured right] Senior Youth Worker at ENYP, said, “I’ve been with ENYP for nearly four years and have developed an understanding of the way we work as a charity so I’m looking forward to the opportunity to take that experience and start using it in Lowestoft. A colleague and I have been working with St Mark’s church to at their youth club on a Tuesday evening every week since January and so have built up good relationships with the team and young people, and it is through these relationships that I have been offered the position to work with them part time as their youth worker. I will also be progressing the work of ENYP in the area, building relationships, pioneering new projects and trying to understand how God wants to use us in Lowestoft.”
Rev Ian Bentley, St Marks Church Lowestoft, said, “This provides an exciting opportunity for both St Mark’s and Lowestoft. Kim will work with us in developing our youth and children’s work but will also start developing new work across the town and in conjunction with other churches. It is as we demonstrate unity in the gospel and a joint commitment to children and young people that God can really bless.”
Danny Doran-Smith, ENYP Director, said “ENYP’s heart is to equip individuals into their calling and it is a privilege to see them released into fulfilling what God has laid on their hearts. Part of Lucy’s role will be to focus on the development of fresh expressions and nurture groups for children and young people – this is one of our 5 key areas of development for the communities we work with. As Kim moves to Lowestoft she will take on more responsibility to develop our Regional Hub and to build ENYP’s presence further in the town. We look forward to seeing these areas develop and grow in the next year.”
For more information on ENYP please visit the website – or contact [email protected]
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