National journalist discusses Luther at K Lynn event

Writer, journalist and broadcaster Peter Stanford will be speaking about his biography of Martin Luther, 500 years since Luther wrote the 95 Theses and launched what would become the Reformation, at an event organised by Churches Together in King’s Lynn on November 10.
On Friday, November 10 at 7.30pm Churches Together in King’s Lynn will welcome Peter Stanford to discuss the contents of his new book ‘Martin Luther: Catholic Dissident’.
Peter Stanford, a writer, journalist and broadcaster, is a former editor of the Catholic Herald who writes for the Daily and Sunday Telegraph newspapers, as well as The Observer and The Tablet. He has also presented programmes on BBC 1, Channel 4 and Channel 5, as well as BBC Radios 2 and 4 and the BBC World Service.
In March 2017 he published his most recent book Martin Luther: Catholic Dissident. Melyn Bragg has described the book as: “A compelling biography of one of the greatest men of the modern age. Stanford is particularly brilliant on the tensions inside Luther’s private and spiritual life.”
October 31, 2017 marks the 500th anniversary of Martin Luther’s 95 ‘Theses’, which challenged the Catholic Church to reform itself and started the Reformation.
In his biography of Martin Luther Peter Stanford looks at Luther from within his Catholic context, examining his actual aims for Catholicism as well as his enduring legacy – and where he might fit within the church today.
Peter Stanford’s previous books include: Judas: The Troubling History of the Renegade Apostle; The Devil – A Biography; Heaven – A Traveller’s Guide to the Undiscovered Country; and The She-Pope, Quest for the Truth behind the Mystery of Pope Joan.
All are welcome to attend this free event at London Road Methodist Church, London Road, King’s Lynn, PE30 5EJ.
Photo credit: By Mykel Nicolaou (e-mail) [CC BY-SA 3.0], via Wikimedia Commons
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