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Norfolk weather forecast: Warmer weather hits this weekend

This weekend, Norfolk is set to experience unseasonably warm temperatures, with highs of 10C expected due to a strong south-westerly wind bringing warmer air from the Atlantic. The climate is forecasted to match that of Italy and Spain, marking a period of much higher than average temperatures for this time of year. This is a significant departure from the usual December average of 7C in Norfolk. Additionally, the Met Office spokesman noted that this week’s higher than average temperatures are a welcome change after the recent cold snap that hit the county.

The warmer weather is expected to bring on a period of unsettled weather until the middle of December, when the conditions are forecasted to settle. Towards the end of the month, temperatures and conditions are expected to return to the monthly average, bringing colder temperatures, frost, and fog. Despite the temporary warmth, the Environment Agency has issued flood warnings for the Norfolk Broads in anticipation of the unsettled weather. Overall, it seems that Norfolk will experience a brief period of uncharacteristically warm weather before returning to more typical December conditions.

In summary, Norfolk is set to experience unseasonably warm temperatures this weekend, with highs reaching 10C due to warm air being brought from the Atlantic by a strong south-westerly wind. The climate is expected to match that of Italy and Spain, marking a departure from the usual December average temperature of 7C in Norfolk. The warmer weather is seen as a welcome change after the recent cold snap, but it is expected to bring on a period of unsettled weather until the middle of December. However, temperatures and conditions are forecasted to return to the monthly average by the end of the month, with colder temperatures, frost, and fog expected. Despite the temporary warmth, flood warnings have been issued for the Norfolk Broads in anticipation of the unsettled weather.

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