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Met Office issues weather warning for ice in Norfolk

The Met Office has issued a yellow weather warning for ice for the East of England, which will be in effect from midnight until 8am on Sunday, December 3. Norfolk is already experiencing sub-zero temperatures, and it is predicted that the mercury will not rise above freezing until 4am the following day. As a result, icy patches are expected on untreated roads, pavements, and cycle paths, increasing the risk of slips and falls for pedestrians. In addition to the icy conditions, rain has been forecasted for Sunday, with temperatures reaching a high of 5C. However, the mercury is expected to gradually rise through the week, reaching a peak of 9C on Friday, December 8.

The warning for ice in the East of England is a cause for concern, as it poses a potential danger to both drivers and pedestrians. With sub-zero temperatures already prevalent in Norfolk, there is a heightened risk of slips and falls due to the icy conditions. The Met Office advises taking extra care when walking and to be mindful of the increased risk of accidents on untreated surfaces. Additionally, the forecast of rain on Sunday further adds to the potential hazards, as the combination of rain and ice can create treacherous conditions for both drivers and pedestrians.

Despite the challenging weather conditions, the forecast does provide some relief, as temperatures are expected to gradually rise throughout the week. After reaching a high of 5C on Sunday, the mercury is predicted to continue climbing, reaching a peak of 9C on Friday, December 8. This temperature increase will hopefully alleviate some of the icy conditions and make travel and outdoor activities safer for the region.

In summary, the Met Office has issued a yellow weather warning for ice in the East of England, in effect from midnight until 8am on Sunday, December 3. Sub-zero temperatures in Norfolk have already been recorded and are expected to persist until 4am the following day. This has led to the forecast of icy patches on untreated roads, pavements, and cycle paths, with an increased risk of slips and falls for pedestrians. Despite these challenges, the forecast predicts a gradual rise in temperatures throughout the week, with a peak of 9C expected on Friday, December 8, offering some relief to the region.

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