Norfolk author’s chapter in new male psychology book

A new Handbook of Male Psychology and Mental Health, with a chapter by Norfolk Christian counsellor Jennie Cummings-Knight, is set to be launched at the end of May.
Palgrave Handbook of Male Psychology and Mental Health, which contains a chapter written by Jennie, an associate lecturer of NSPC, will be launched on May 30 at UCL in London.
Jennie’s chapter is called “The Gaze – Seeing and Being Seen: An Evolutionary Perspective”
The chapter explores male and female difference through the lens of the complementary nature of the different roles of “looking” and “being seen”.
Jennie said: “In our times in the western world, we are seeing a re-framing of the former positive aspects of patriarchy and maleness as “toxic”, and this book aims to restore a balance of respect for both male and female perspectives. Christians will be interested in the underlying philosophy of male and female as being complementary attributes, rather than set up in opposition to one another.”
Click here to see more details of the book launch
Read more about Jennie on Network Norfolk
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