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Norwich City joint owner Delia Smith on whingeing fans

Delia Smith, joint majority shareholder of City, addressed concerns about fan negativity at the club’s recent AGM. She stated that while she believes City has some of the best supporters in the world, there is a portion of fans who are overly critical, which impacts the team’s performance. Smith emphasized that she and her husband regularly engage with supporters, both at home and away games, and are committed to fostering a positive atmosphere. She expressed concern that the negativity from some fans could affect the players’ morale and performance on the pitch.

Smith also mentioned the absence of a drumming fan from the stands, which she believes used to contribute to the positive energy at matches. She dismissed claims that the board is not engaging with the fans, citing personal interactions with supporters at games. She also warned against the potential consequences of selling the club to owners who may not share her commitment to maintaining the club’s financial stability. Smith highlighted the significant achievement of clearing the club’s debt and stressed the importance of continuing to operate without financial burdens.

The joint majority shareholder’s comments reflect her deep concern for the impact of fan negativity on the team’s performance. Smith expressed a belief that the majority of the fans are supportive and that the small percentage of overly critical fans can overshadow the positive energy at matches. She also highlighted her and her husband’s efforts to engage with fans personally and emphasized the potential consequences of selling the club to owners who do not share their commitment to financial stability. Smith’s statements provide insights into her passion for the club and her determination to maintain a positive and supportive environment for the team.

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