Church profile: Gorleston Baptist Church

As part of a new feature which highlights churches from across our region, we find out more about Gorleston Baptist Church which is located on Lowestoft Road, Gorleston, Great Yarmouth.
Name of Church: Gorleston Baptist Church
Location: 14 Lowestoft Road, Gorleston-on-Sea
Denomination: Baptist
Leader(s): Rev Mike Flynn
Contact information: voicemail: 01493 603302 email: [email protected]
What is Gorleston Baptist Church like during a main weekly meeting?
Gorleston Baptist Church is a church for people of all ages and walks of life. We welcome anyone who comes, striving to ensure that they feel comfortable. We love gathering together to worship God on a Sunday morning, and our gentle mix of styles reflects our diversity. We tend towards the down-to-earth, authentic and informal, seeking to be real in all we do. There is singing, sharing and praying, and a talk based on a Bible passage or theme.
What else do you have going on during the week?
We have ‘Life Groups’ where folk can develop relationships within a smaller group setting. From time to time we offer courses, such as ‘The Bible Course’ or ‘Alpha’. Our main activity for the community is the twice-weekly Well drop-in, foodbank and pantry for those in need. This provides breakfasts, craft activities, support and friendship, as well as partnership working with agencies and signposting. This work has a strong team of committed volunteers and is very much appreciated by those who come, not least because of the loving, caring, atmosphere which is evident. Over the past 20 years many have come to faith as a result.
How have you seen God at work in Gorleston Baptist Church over the last year?
We believe God has been blessing our worship services and weekly activities. He is clearly at work in the messiness of people’s lives, and we are frequently amazed by answers to prayer. We are delighted to have seen new families join us recently, and an increased involvementin the small ‘Junior Church’. It feels as though God is simply asking us to be faithful; and the rest is up to Him.
What is the main thing you would like someone who has never been to Gorleston Baptist Church to know about it?
The authentic care and engaging worship. The ethos of the church is to be down-to-earth with no airs and graces. Through this informal feel and loving atmosphere we hope that anyone and everyone can feel welcome; and can experience God among us.
What are your hopes for the future of Gorleston Baptist Church?
We aspire to be a church for everyone. We want more people to discover God’s love for themselves, and become part of our expression of church. We don’t aim to create something ourselves; but to allow God to be at work and to welcome His presence among us, just as He welcomes us. We want to place Jesus at the centre of everything we do: getting to know Him better and discovering His ways for us. We regard ourselves as a work-in-progress: not the finished article – and that seems to be fine!
Picture courtesy of Gorleston Baptist Church
Anna Heydon, 05/09/2023
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