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Mark Armstrong: Enjoying the calm before a marathon storm takes over 

The author of the content needed a break mentally and physically after an intense period of racing, particularly since the Berlin Marathon. During this break, they have been enjoying trail running and easy runs with friends, with no focus on split times or paces, just running for the pleasure of it. This phase of relaxation and enjoyment is only temporary, as the author plans to begin building up their mileage again in preparation for another intensive period of training and a spring marathon, the specific details of which have not yet been determined. The author has laid out a loose race schedule and has long runs planned with their wife, with other training sessions to be arranged on a week-to-week basis depending on how the training progresses.

Despite not thoroughly considering it, the author has entered the Wymondham New Year’s Day 10K race, which they believe will help keep them in check on New Year’s Eve and act as a benchmark for their current fitness level. While the author is tempted to participate in the Norfolk Cross Country Championships, they have deliberately not signed up due to the challenging terrain causing a past injury. However, they are looking forward to being a spectator at the event and are hoping to run the Valentine’s 10K in February, followed by the Cambridge Half Marathon the following month, as part of their preparation for a spring marathon.

The author has also signed up for a marathon – the Berlin Marathon – and despite not being selected in the ballot, they have purchased a place through Sports Tours International. The author expresses excitement about the upcoming race and reflects on the inspiring performances of their club-mates at the Valencia Marathon. Although acknowledging the potential risks of returning to Berlin and the possibility of a negative experience tainting their previous success, the author believes they have more to achieve in terms of improving their performance over the marathon distance. They are determined to continue working towards reaching their full potential as a runner, with the understanding that there are many miles to be run before then.

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