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Greece star Siopis ahead of Cardiff against Norwich City

The midfielder of an unnamed team expressed his excitement at joining his current team, noting that he had always dreamed of playing in the Championship. He discussed his ambitions with the manager, expressing his desire to not only have a good season but to aim for the play-offs. He emphasized the importance of setting high targets in order to achieve them, and believed that his team would continue to improve. Despite some struggles, he expressed confidence in the team’s ability to keep fighting for success and mentioned the positive progress they had made over the last three weeks.

The Greek international player discussed the physicality of the league and the style of play, noting that he had noticed a shift towards teams playing the ball right from the back rather than relying on long balls. He praised the quality of football in the league and expressed his satisfaction with the rhythm and level of play. He also commented on the success of his international team-mate, Dimitrios Goutas, and the support they had provided each other. Additionally, he highlighted the impressive performance of another teammate, Mark McGuinness, and expressed his belief that McGuinness had the potential for a successful career.

The midfielder pointed out his belief in the potential of his international teammate and commended him for the support he had offered upon joining the team. He also gave his opinion on Mark McGuinness and his belief in his potential for a successful career. The midfielder remained optimistic for the remainder of the season, emphasizing the team’s fight for success and their constant aim to win each game. He also expressed his confidence that the team would continue to improve and achieve their goals. With 12 appearances under his belt, the Greek international player has been instrumental in moving his team to the verge of the play-offs, expressing his satisfaction with the level of competition in the league.

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