New Methodist President has East Anglia links

The Methodist Conference in Britain has elected former East Anglia District Chair, Rev Graham Thompson, to serve as its next President.
Anthony Boateng was also elected to serve as Vice-President, both men starting their year of office when the Representative Session of the Methodist Conference opens in Telford in June 2022.
Graham Thompson, said: “I am overwhelmed by the designation and humbled by the belief that Conference has in me. I will do all I can to serve God and the Church as we discern our path, emerging from the pandemic.”
Graham Thompson currently serves as Chair of the Plymouth and Exeter District, a role which he assumed following his service as Chair of the East Anglia District. Before offering for Methodist ministry, Graham worked as an accountant. He has served in a variety of Circuits, urban and rural, both as Presbyter and Superintendent as well as serving on variety of Methodist trusts, boards and Connexional committees. He has broad ecumenical experience and is an ecumenical Canon of Exeter Cathedral.
Anthony Boateng is a Local Preacher from the London District, with a passion for social action, politics, church unity, spiritual revival and creative ways of worship. He has been a member of the Conference since 2014. Anthony serves on several committees across the Church including as a convenor of the London District Social Responsibility Commission and member of Church Action for Tax Justice management committee. In his ‘day job’ Anthony is a caseworker for Ingeus – a government Work and Health Programme.
Anthony Boateng said: “As a young Ghanaian immigrant who has spent all his life in the Methodist Church, it is an honour and privilege to be given this opportunity by my siblings to serve the church at such a challenging time. I am enthusiastic about stepping into this leadership role, and working alongside the whole Church to discern and move towards God’s vision for us in the year ahead.”
The role of President of the Methodist Conference is reserved for presbyters and that of Vice-President for lay people or deacons.
Pictured above are Rev Graham Thompson and Anthony Boateng. Credit
Keith Morris, 03/07/2021
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