Prophecy school offers courses for beginners

Norfolk School of Prophets, founded by Revs Ray and Ruth Scorey, is launching a new school for beginners in 2023.
The school is starting on Saturday January 21 and meeting every third Saturday of each month (except August and December). It was set up in 2014 and current members have recently completed a course in Prophecy and Responsibility, largely influenced by Graham Cooke. The new school will make provision for those new to the prophetic, as well as those who are further on in the gift.
For newcomers, the Norfolk School of Prophets (NSOP) will base the morning training on Apostle Alaric Hunt’s teaching, Establishing a Prophetic Foundation, Chris Wren James’ book Beyond Prophetic and Rev Ray Scorey’s manual How to Set up a Prophecy School, which has testimonies of those who’ve been through NSOP over the years.
The course will cover the basics of the what, why, how, when and where of the prophetic, with practical tasks that will whet the prophetic gift. These are designed to help people grow in confidence with regard to hearing God’s voice and using His Word to pull out the gold He’s planted in others. As the year progresses, the school will explore a wide variety of prophetic forms and introduce new teaching and revelation. The school is designed to equip the saints for such difficult times as these.
The afternoons will offer prophetic presbytery, headed up by graduates of the Prophecy and Responsibility course. NSOP’s prophetic presbytery will make prophetic words freely available not only to those in the school but to anyone outside the school, wishing to enquire of the Lord. New students will be given the opportunity to practise their new gift under the auspices of graduates.
Revs Ray and Ruth Scorey are also Directors of Norfolk Healing Rooms and NSOP is covered by Healing Rooms England & Wales. This means that NSOP sessions are characterised by loving and compassionate support, often with the availability of healing prayer for attendees.
NSOP meets in person in the conference room at Witard Road Baptist Church, Norwich, NR7 9XD and also via Zoom. Doors open at 10am and each training day starts at 10.30am with worship, ending around 4.30pm. But for those who live too far away or who are unable to attend in person, Zoom will be made available.
Drinks and biscuits are provided free of charge and students bring their own lunches. In-person door entry will be £10 per month, starting January 21, helping to cover NSOP’s administrative expenses as well as contributing to the work of Healing Rooms. However, students who set up a regular monthly standing order will pay only £5/month. Zoom is available to those unable to attend in person and NSOP suggest a £5 donation. NSOP love to be able to bless their visiting sound technicians, worship leaders and speakers, who give to the school so sacrificially. To make this possible, a love gift is taken up each month, during which members are encouraged to seek the Lord on what or if to give.
To join you need to become an NSOP member by first emailing: [email protected]
You will then need to agree to NSOP’s terms and conditions, which will be sent to your email address.
To receive a free prophetic word, all you need to do is turn up at Witard Road Baptist Church at 3pm every third Saturday (except August and December). To check NSOP is actually in session that day, please text: 07900 341 287.
If you would like to receive a copy of Rev Ray Scorey’s self-published manual, How to set up a Prophecy School, please send an email to the above address. P&P costs £3 plus whatever you would like to donate to Ray as a gift. NSOP looks forward to welcoming you.
Pictured above are graduates (including Zoomers) of the 2022 Prophecy and Responsibility School
Eldred Willey, 05/01/2023
Read the full article here