Norwich social supermarket helps thousands

A social supermarket in Norwich, run by a Christian charity, has been offering support to thousands of people over the festive period helping them to meet their food costs.
In June, Norfolk-based charity ENYP opened the doors to its first social supermarket, based in the newly-refurbished Russell Street community centre in NR2. The supermarket sells a wide range of food, groceries and toiletries, including fresh and frozen items, free or hugely-discounted baked goods, all at prices averaging around half to two-thirds of a regular supermarket.
During the last few weeks, it has also been offering a range of toys, gifts and speciality food for Christmas, including turkeys and Christmas puddings.
The supermarket has a growing membership: the initial target on opening was to reach 250 households in a year, however this was met and surpassed earlier this month, and thousands of individuals have been supported over the last six months. Recently, there has been a noticeable increase in people wishing to register, especially since the energy price rise came into effect in October. People are genuinely concerned about the rising cost of living, and how they will be able to manage. One customer said “This supermarket has been a life saver. If this wasn’t here, we’d have to skip meals.”
Members have commented on the variety of produce and the healthy options of fruit and vegetables, which often they would otherwise go without, especially as the price of fresh food has risen dramatically recently. The social supermarket gives people an independence of choice, allowing members to select what food is most useful to them.
Thanks to support from the Norfolk Community Foundation’s Household Support Fund, the supermarket has been able to provide shopping vouchers this month to support households over the Christmas and New Year period, and help meet their food costs.
As well as providing highly-discounted food, the supermarket is a welcoming and friendly space, where customers are able to have a chat and a free hot drink, and the community centre is also currently opening as a warm space on Tuesday and Wednesday lunchtimes. ‘It’s not only about offering discounted food – we also want to provide an atmosphere where people feel welcome and valued. One regular customer told us recently ‘If it wasn’t for this place, I wouldn’t come out’. That’s the kind of feedback we especially cherish”, said Zosia Knight from ENYP.
With plans in the pipeline to open more social supermarkets next year, and to expand its activities in the city, ENYP is looking forward to seeing many more members through the doors in 2023.
For more information on the social supermarket please contact [email protected]
Helen Baldry, 28/12/2022
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