Explicitly about Jesus: Norwich charity showcase

The Norfolk Christian youth charity recently held its annual showcase at its new premises in Norwich, where the Bishop of Norwich commissioned Gwil Davey as the new director of Norwich Youth for Christ. Gwil spoke about the importance of sharing the Christian faith with young people in schools, despite facing challenges due to the city becoming more closed off to the gospel. The charity currently works in seven schools, delivering assemblies, lessons, and lunch clubs, with a desire to set up more ways to reach young people and help them grow in their faith.
The evening’s showcase featured worship music from a band of young people who attend The Jam, a weekly youth club, and who have started writing their own music to be played at the charity’s bi-monthly Encounter nights. Other projects presented included Boost, an alternative education provision for teenagers who do not fit into the mainstream mould. The project, which is full and has four students a day, focuses on offering support and demonstrating God’s love to the students who come from backgrounds of low aspiration and trauma.
The charity aims to share God’s love with young people through various projects and initiatives, such as providing educational support, hosting youth clubs, and offering opportunities for personal growth through faith talks and worship. By engaging with young people in schools and community settings, Norwich Youth for Christ hopes to see lives transformed by Jesus and for young people to grow in their faith. Additionally, individuals can get involved with the charity by praying, watching the Living on a Prayer podcast, hosting a gap year worker, or making a donation to support their work in reaching young people in Norwich.
Overall, Norwich Youth for Christ is committed to spreading the message of Jesus to young people in schools and community settings, despite facing challenges in a city that is becoming more closed off to the gospel. Through their various projects and initiatives, the charity aims to offer educational support, build relationships, and demonstrate God’s love to young people who may come from challenging backgrounds. By supporting Norwich Youth for Christ through prayer, donations, or hosting gap year workers, individuals can contribute to the mission of sharing God’s love and transforming the lives of young people in Norwich.