Norwich charity wins awards and issues appeal

Local Christian charity Hope Into Action (HIA) is celebrating three national awards for their tenants , an office move – and are now appealing for more properties to continue the success of their work.
The Hope Into Action conference was held in March with Rowan Williams as one of the guest speakers. Well over 200 people from around the country came to hear guest speakers, tenant testimonies and participate in encouraging and educational seminars. Hope Into Action works with local churches to house the homeless and offer them support and help in gaining employment, making friends and integrating with their community.
A group from Norwich which included tenants, staff, volunteers and interested parties attended the conference and were delighted that three of the Norwich-based tenants won awards; one for maintaining abstinence from alcohol, another for improving social relationships and the third for impressive financial improvement. Norwich Co-ordinator Kate Doran Smith said, “We are so very proud of all they have achieved.”
A recent appeal on Network Norfolk for new office space for HIA prompted a wonderful response from local churches. Kate said, “We were both humbled and honoured by such a positive response. Our new office will be in the Barrett room of Princes Street URC. We will be officially moving in June.”
After such a successful response, HIA is appealing to the Norfolk Christian community again; this time with regard for move on options for tenants who are ready for independent living. HIA has had success securing council property, private rent and also other housing options but is in need of more properties for people to move into once they are ready. Kate said, “It’s such a frustration to see tenants achieve so much and successfully grow beyond the level of support we offer, but still not have many move on options. What we really need are local landlords who will accept our tenants when they’re ready for independent living.
HIA has five houses currently running with hopefully another two in the pipeline. There are several churches who would like to partner and help house the homeless and there is a need for more housing stock to access to enable them to help transform the lives of more people.
If you own property, are interested in buy to let, or leasing an existing property to, please get in touch with Kate. They would be keen to hear from insurance assessors who could tailor a bespoke package for HIA tenants.
Contact Kate on [email protected] or 01603 927271 or 07908202944
Training day – May 28
An exciting and interactive training day that will explain the Hope Into Action model more will be held on Saturday May 28 at The House of Prayer, NR3 1SE. Suitable for any current partner church volunteers, anyone wanting to know more about HIA or thinking about getting involved. Maybe your church already has outreach and or ministry to the homeless and you’d like to feel more confident in your role? This day is for you too!
Click here for more information about the training day
Agencies leaflet
Hope Into Action has designed a resource to help when signposting vulnerable people to getting support. It includes local church provision, specialist agencies, secular charities and council contacts.
Click here to download the leaflet
Read the full article here