Papal Blessings for Norwich CAFOD volunteer quartet

Papal Blessings have been presented to four CAFOD volunteers in Norwich who between them have served the Catholic charity for an amazing 100 years.
Known as the Marmalade Ladies, Gloria Irons, Pat Buxton, Gill Bannon and Jenny Campling from St George’s church in Norwich all received their awards from Fr Sean Connolly for over 25 years’ service as Catholic Agency for Overseas Development volunteers on Sunday June 2.
Since 1994 the ladies have raised over £94,000 for CAFOD including selling plants. Gifts and over 5,000 jars of marmalade, alongside fund-raising lunches.
CAFOD East Anglia organiser, Jane Crone, said: The Mass was a wonderful celebration of all that they’ve done over the years as well as a CAFOD Creation Celebration, thanking God for creation and paying for Our Common Home climate campaign.”
Writing to congratulate the volunteers, CAFOD director, Christine Allen, said: “As a charity, we were founded by a small group of passionate women volunteers and, over 50 years, we continue to thrive because people like you have made it their mission to support our work.
“By sharing your time, skills and energy you are helping to create a fairer world, are inspiring other to act for global justice and ensuring that in the future no one is beyond our reach.
“Your hard work and dedicated fundraising make an enormous difference to people living in poverty and suffering from injustice,” said Christine.
Pictured above with their Papal Blessings are the four Marmalade Ladies.
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