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Advent Sleepout Challenge set for King’s Lynn 

On Friday November 23, volunteers of King’s Lynn Winter Night Shelter will be participating in a Sleepout Challenge. This is a national sponsored event facilitated by the Church Urban Fund to help marginalised people in England transform their lives and communities.

Through the Advent Sleepout, people all over England will be giving up a night of comfort and sleeping out with their friends, families, church, and community groups. They’ll be wrapping up in their winter woollies for a night in school halls, churches, community halls, scout huts, garden sheds pretty much anywhere, except in their own beds!

Our event will take place in St. John’s Church, Blackfriars Road, Kings Lynn, PE30 1NT, 20:00-8:00 on the night of Friday 23rd November.

A similar event was held last year and raised £1,200. Ten people attended last year, and organisers are hoping to double that this time around.

Andrew Frere-Smith said, “We had great fun last year playing games in the evening, having a snack and then settling to bed. Most of us slept inside the church, and that was cold enough, but two brave souls slept outside where the temperature dropped below freezing. It certainly made us think about how tough it is for those sleeping rough. Hopefully, with the night shelter, nobody will need to sleep on the streets of Lynn this winter.”

We want as many people as possible to register and join us or to take part by being a sponsor. They can make donations at https://sleepoutchallenge2018.everydayhero.com/uk/king-s-lynn-sleepout-challenge or can contact Andrew Frere-Smith by email [email protected] or phone 07949 964932 Money raised will go to the King’s Lynn Winter Night Shelter

Pictured: participants of last year’s sleepout


Read the full article here

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