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Sheringham Methodists’ big Fairtrade brew

St Andrews Church in Sheringham is hosting a Big Brew coffee morning to support Transform Trade, which was previously known as Traidcraft Exchange. The Big Brew event is a charity initiative to raise funds for trade and climate justice by gathering friends and family over fairtrade coffee and homemade treats. In 2023, over one hundred Big Brews in the UK raised over £25,000, showing the impact of the event.

Transform Trade is working to create 100 community-owned shops called Sadaipati in Bangladesh, and the women managing these shops are transforming their communities. The charity aims to build 100 of these shops, and the Big Brew coffee mornings are helping to raise funds for this initiative. Sriti, the manager of a community-run store in Bangladesh, has seen the impact of these shops, stating that it was previously unthinkable for women to run such businesses at this scale. The coffee morning will take place on Saturday 24 February at St Andrew’s Methodist Church, featuring a Fairtrade stall, cake stall, quizzes, and a tombola, with all proceeds going to Transform Trade.

The event aims to support trade and climate justice while also showcasing the impact of community-owned stores in Bangladesh. This initiative not only raises funds but also raises awareness about the transformative impact of trade and climate justice efforts. By bringing people together over fairtrade coffee and treats, the event provides an opportunity for the community to contribute to meaningful change. Those interested in learning more about the event can visit transform-trade.org/big-brew for more information.

The community is invited to participate and support this initiative, and individuals are encouraged to share news stories or events relating to Christians and churches in North Norfolk by emailing the details to [email protected]. This event demonstrates the power of community and charity efforts in creating positive change, and it provides an opportunity for individuals to come together in support of a meaningful cause.

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