Auction boost for Thetford church’s redevelopment

During the August Bank Holiday weekend St Cuthbert’s Church in Thetford will host a fundraising auction, contributing to the monies needed to redevelop the building into a more accessible and useful space for the local community.
On Saturday, August 25 at 10am St Cuthbert’s Church in Thetford will kick off an auction to raise funds for the redevelopment of its building. The lots on offer include a man’s bike, a Radley handbag, lunch for four, Copeland Spode ceramics and much more. There will also be bacon rolls, cake and hot drinks to enjoy.
The planned changes and improvements to the town centre church will create a more flexible space with improved facilities that should support both worship and community action. The planning for the redevelopment has taken longer than expected and has involved a great fundraising effort.
Peter Thomson, Secretary of the Church’s PCC said: “After many years we are beginning to see some light at the end of the tunnel. Our plans for the church have been subject long delays as we have attempted to raise a sum in the region of £250,000 to start the first stage of the work.
“This phase is to make the church building more welcoming to disabled folk by creating internal wheelchair access to modern toilets. Also a state of the art kitchen that will be capable of providing meals for up to 100 diners as well as ongoing cafe facilities. Our intention is to provide catering training for young people as well as being able to offer our new facilities to a number of local organisations.”
St Cuthbert’s has received grants to date totalling £47,950, ranging from £200 up to £20,000, and pledges amounting to £64,817 that will be made available when they have the funds to start work.
Peter said: “In addition to these grants we have ring fenced £75,000 from part of the sale of a property and funds that we have raised locally. We are now working on applications to other national grant bodies.”
Despite the difficulties Peter said: “we are not resting on our laurels, as the second stage of the project will be to remove the pews from the main body of the church to make a more flexible area for community use, as well as being suitable for a wider range of Christian worship.”
There is an open invitation to view the lots on offer on Friday, August 24, 4-6pm and from 9am on Saturday, August 25.
St Cuthbert’s Church Hall, King Street, Thetford, IP24 2AN
Photo: St Cuthbert’s Church, Thetford by Karen Davies on the National Education Network
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