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Yarmouth angel represents hope for 2024 

An 8-metre-tall angel, designed to stand in Great Yarmouth Minster before Christmas, has been created with 366 feathers to represent hope for each day of the coming year. The angel, named Angel of Hope, was produced by Reprezent Project along with Adam and Emma from Willow Phoenix, who worked alongside children from St George’s Primary School and St Nicholas Primary School in Great Yarmouth, as well as the Walk & Talk East Anglia men’s mental health group. The angel will remain near the entrance to Great Yarmouth Minster for the entirety of 2024, with a sign explaining that the 366 feathers represent “all the days of hope, positivity, and love in 2024.”

The giant angel was the centrepiece of the Minster’s first-ever Christmas angel festival, which saw local community groups designing and creating their own angel creations for display in the building for a week before Christmas. Prizes were awarded to East Norfolk Sixth Form College and Caister Stitchers for the best angels, with North Denes Primary, Mags Youth Club, the Churchwarden and Flagmaster, and Caister WI as the runners-up. The festival was launched on December 8th with an opening night featuring activities for children and refreshments.

The project aimed to bring the community together in a celebration of hope and positivity, with the giant angel and the other angel creations serving as a symbol of this spirit. The involvement of various community groups, including schools, mental health organizations, and local clubs, demonstrates the collaborative effort that went into creating this display of hope and positivity. The angel festival and the Angel of Hope itself provided a meaningful and visually striking focal point for the community during the holiday season.

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