Bradwell church’s festival hit and unity meeting

A new church in Bradwell, the Elim Pentecostal, enjoyed a successful day at the Gorleston Cliff Top Festival, and is inviting church leaders in the Yarmouth area to a meeting of refreshing and encouragement next week.
The stall at the Gorleston festival was organized by the Elim Church, assisted by a team from four other local churches in the area, bringing together the unity of the Christian community of Gorleston and Bradwell. They gave away hundreds of children’s Bible story books and sweets. Many people also came to the stall to ask for small wooden crosses that they wanted to take to family members who were sick. Organisers Jan and Rita said they were delighted with the turnout of the people and how several churches also came to assist.
Pastor Anne Simpson, pastor of the Elim Pentecostal Church in Bradwell is now inviting all pastors and leaders of all denominations in the Great Yarmouth borough to attend a time of gathering in unity to seek God for the area, to get to know each other, and to be refreshed in the presence of God. The meeting will be held at St George’s Pavilion Café in Great Yarmouth from 6pm to 8pm on Tuesday 13 September.
Anne has been in ministry for over 25 years, and has seen many miracles around the world. She regularly travels to Africa conducting seminars and crusades, as well as building the communities through practical projects of assisting the poor, the widows and the orphans, and has a women’s refuge in the north of Malawi.
Anne says, “On this evening we will meet, eat, and share, and also receive an encouraging word, and a time of being able to receive prayer to bless our lives and ministries with greater power to move forward into all that God has for our lives. Being a leader is not always easy, so this event aims to give a safe environment where leaders can come together to be encouraged, uplifted, and empowered.”
As well as operating locally, Pastor Anne and a team are also involved in reaching out to many people around the world. She has been travelling to Africa for the past 12 years, and in the north of Malawi a piece of land was purchased and a women’s refuge has been built which is currently housing 10 women who have come out of abusive relationships or have been widowed with no way of supporting themselves. The ministry has been able to offer these ladies a safe house to stay in, but is also assisting and training them to do small businesses so that they can begin to rebuild their lives. On a recent trip, Anne oversaw the building of a new toilet and shower block.
There is also ongoing work with children who are being assisted to go to school, and the planting of new churches in rural villages. In India there is a sponsorship programme for orphan children who are being looked after by a local pastor, and this programme enables them to go to school and provide for their daily needs.
Anne says “Lives are being transformed around the world and we are now wanting to bring that same transforming power of Jesus to the community of Bradwell and Gorleston, and the surrounding areas”
Bradwell Elim Pentecostal Church began in March of this year and meets every Sunday at 11am at the Mill Lane Community Centre in Bradwell. The church is part of a wider worldwide recognised organization and is a lively church who believe in the power of God to change lives and bring hope and healing in this world.
St George’s Pavilion Café is located at NR30 2PG in Great Yarmouth. The nearest public car park is at King Street, NR30 2PS, which is free after 4pm.
This story is based on and article from Gorleston Community Magazine who also supplied the picture above. This has also appeared on Network Yarmouth.
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Tony Rothe, 08/09/2022
Read the full article here