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Watch families walk on road INCHES away from lorries to get to theme park – as campaigners slam ‘NO other option’

Families in Lenwade, Norfolk, have been filmed walking dangerously close to heavy vehicles in order to reach the ROARR! adventure park due to a lack of proper pedestrian access. Residents have been campaigning for a new pathway to the theme park, as pedestrians are forced to walk along busy roads without any alternative routes. Dean Bailey, who runs the YouTube channel ‘Dinosaur Danger’, has highlighted the dangerous situation by posting footage of families walking down the B1535 road amidst traffic. He has criticized local authorities for allowing the expansion of the theme park without providing a safe route for pedestrians. Dean expressed concern that accidents are bound to happen if the issue is not addressed promptly.

The expansion of the ROARR! adventure park in Lenwade was approved by Broadland Council to bring in more visitors, but the lack of proper pedestrian access has raised safety concerns for those walking to the park. While buses drop off passengers in Norwich Road, pedestrians have no choice but to walk along the busy B1535 road. Norfolk County Council proposed a pathway through the Royal Norwich Gold Club, but this idea was not implemented due to disagreements over funding and land ownership issues. Despite the pressing need for a safe pedestrian route to the theme park, there has been no progress in resolving the issue.

Broadland Council’s Peter Bulman acknowledged the necessity of a new pathway to the ROARR! adventure park, but highlighted the challenges in funding the project. The council is reluctant to provide public funding for a private enterprise, and there seems to be a deadlock in finding a solution that satisfies all parties involved. Norfolk County Council has stated that they have attempted to secure a footway between Norwich Road and the dinosaur park, but encountered obstacles related to land ownership. The safety team continues to monitor accident records and will propose road improvements based on data analysis and funding availability to ensure the safety of pedestrians in the area.

The safety of pedestrians walking to the ROARR! adventure park in Lenwade remains a priority for local authorities, with ongoing efforts to address the lack of proper pedestrian access along the B1535 road. Despite concerns raised by residents and campaigners, finding a viable solution that satisfies all stakeholders has proven to be challenging. Norfolk County Council emphasizes the importance of monitoring road safety issues and making necessary improvements based on accident data and funding priorities. While the situation at the theme park remains unresolved, efforts will continue to ensure the safety of pedestrians and reduce the risk of accidents along busy roads in the region.

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