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Two-bed Norwich barn conversion on sale in NR3 for £250K

Property Ladder is selling an end-of-terrace property located in Little Bull Close Road in NR3 for the price of £250,000. The property features an open plan kitchen area and upside-down living, with the entrance hall leading into both bedrooms and a shower room on the ground floor. The first floor of the property contains an open plan kitchen, dining room, and living room area. Additionally, the outside of the property includes an enclosed courtyard with a shed and gated access to the rear garden.

The property is well-designed with a modern and functional layout. It features an open plan kitchen, dining room, and living room area on the first floor, while the entrance hall leads to the bedrooms and shower room on the ground floor. Outside, the property has a front courtyard and a rear courtyard with a large patio and a modern timber shed for additional storage. The property is on sale for £250,000 and is a great investment for anyone looking for a stylish and convenient home.

The property is conveniently located in Little Bull Close in NR3 and is being sold by estate agents Property Ladder. The front courtyard is enclosed and features a gated path, while the rear courtyard has a large patio and a modern timber shed for extra storage. The property is listed at the price of £250,000 and offers a well-designed layout and modern amenities, making it an attractive option for homebuyers. For more information on the property, potential buyers can visit propertyladderonline.com.

Overall, the end-of-terrace property in Little Bull Close Road in NR3 is on sale for £250,000 and offers an open plan kitchen area, upside-down living, and an enclosed courtyard with a shed and gated access to the rear garden. The property is listed with estate agents Property Ladder and provides two bedrooms, a shower room, and a modern and functional layout. With its convenient location and modern amenities, this property is an excellent opportunity for homebuyers looking for a stylish and well-designed home.

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