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Tiago Dhondt Bamberger reflects on his time in Moulin Rouge

Tiago Dhondt Bamberger, a 22-year-old performer from Norwich, recently had his big break on the West End stage. After training at the Central School of Dance and Performing Arts and Guildford School of Acting, Tiago landed the role of Babydoll in Moulin Rouge at London’s Picadilly Theatre. Despite not expecting to get the role and not having seen the show, Tiago was full of excitement. However, he admits that his time on the show was both grueling and exciting. He had to maintain a consistent weight, shave his head and body, and adjust his sleeping patterns. Tiago also had to learn to sing differently and take shallower breaths due to his costume corset. Despite the challenges, Tiago enjoyed his time in Moulin Rouge and will miss the euphoria at the end of each show.

Tiago’s success has led to glamorous opportunities, such as performing at the Olivier Awards. He is set to return for another West End show next year, although the details have not been revealed. Tiago hopes that his journey can inspire others from his hometown of Norwich. Growing up in a disadvantaged area and living off benefits until the age of 18, Tiago always knew he had to work hard to achieve his dreams. He feels incredibly lucky for the opportunities he has been given.

In his journey as a performer, Tiago credits the Central School of Dance and Performing Arts and the Guildford School of Acting for shaping his talent. He started his performing career at the age of four, appearing in several productions including six pantomimes at the Norwich Theatre Royal. His training and dedication paid off when he landed his role in Moulin Rouge. Tiago acknowledges the challenges of the industry, such as the intense physical demands and the need for constant self-care. However, his passion for performing outweighs the difficulties, and he cherishes the joy and applause he receives from the audience.

Tiago’s story serves as a testament to the power of perseverance and hard work. Coming from a disadvantaged background, he had to overcome many obstacles to pursue his dreams. Through his determination and talent, he has achieved success in the competitive world of theater. Tiago’s journey also highlights the importance of arts education and training programs in nurturing young performers. He hopes that his story can inspire others, showing them that with dedication and opportunity, they too can achieve their goals.

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