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Norwich folk discuss when to put your Christmas tree up

Siblings Emily and Georgia have different opinions on when to put up Christmas decorations. Emily thinks they should go up on December 1 because Christmas is in December, while Georgia, who just turned 29, feels more festive and wants to start decorating after her birthday. Alfie Lee, 17, strongly believes decorations should not go up before December 14, as he feels it is not yet Christmas time. Meanwhile, some city residents have already begun decorating, with Charlie, 30, feeling that anything after Halloween is the festive period and Hallie, 18, believing that decorations should be put up on December 1.

Coco Ying, 30, who grew up in Aylsham, has also started putting up decorations on December 1, although she admits that she used to wait until a few weeks before Christmas. Hallie, who lives in Hingham, shares Coco’s view that putting up decorations on December 1 marks the official start of the Christmas season. Similarly, Donna Rawlings, 45, from Heartsease, believes that decorations should be put up around December 10, as she does not like the clutter and feels that a longer run-up to Christmas is unnecessary when there are young children in the house.

On the other hand, some residents like Georgia and Charlie have already started decorating their homes after Halloween, feeling that this marks the start of the festive period. Others, like Alfie Lee, firmly believe that December 14 is the earliest appropriate time to put up Christmas decorations. Regardless of individual opinions, it is clear that the timing of putting up Christmas decorations is a highly personal matter and varies greatly among individuals. Some are more eager to start the festive season, while others prefer to wait a bit longer to avoid the clutter and have a shorter run-up to Christmas.

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