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Norwich Cathedral organ blessed after £1.8m refurbishment

The Norwich Cathedral recently celebrated the completion of a £1.8 million renovation project on its organ. The blessing took place during an evensong service on November 26, where the organ experts Harrison and Harrison symbolically gave the cathedral back the keys to the organ. This is one of the largest organs in the country, and the service marked the culmination of the Organ Reborn! concerts, which featured performances by internationally-renowned concert organist Thomas Trotter. The Master of Music at the cathedral, Ashley Grote, expressed his excitement for the completion of the project, highlighting the impact it will have on the cathedral’s musical life and the community.

The Dean of Norwich, the Very Rev Dr Andrew Braddock, expressed gratitude to all who supported the project and emphasized the significance of the organ as a national treasure. The organ had not undergone a complete overhaul since it was rebuilt in 1942 following a fire in 1938. The practical work for the renovation began in May 2022, with most of the organ’s pipes being taken to specialists in Durham for further work. The show pipes, crown, and star that decorate the organ’s exterior were re-gilded, and most of the working pipes were returned to the cathedral in early 2023. This was followed by the voicing, or tuning, of all 5,767 pipes by Harrison and Harrison between May and July 2023.

The completion of the organ project represents an exciting new chapter in the cathedral’s musical life, offering opportunities for people of all ages and bringing high-quality music to the community. The instrument is expected to play a central role in supporting and inspiring the numerous services and events that draw thousands of people to the cathedral each year. Overall, the project marks a significant achievement for the cathedral, and the successful completion of the renovation ensures that the organ remains a vital part of the cathedral’s rich musical tradition.

The renovated organ at Norwich Cathedral represents a significant achievement, as it had not undergone a complete overhaul since its reconstruction in 1942. The blessing of the organ during an evensong service on November 26 marked the completion of the £1.8 million project, with the cathedral receiving the keys to the organ from the specialists who worked on the renovation. The organ, which is one of the largest of its kind in the country, was celebrated during the Organ Reborn! concerts, culminating in a performance by renowned organist Thomas Trotter. The completion of the project marks an exciting new chapter in the cathedral’s musical life, offering high-quality music and opportunities for people of all ages. The Dean of Norwich expressed gratitude for the support of the project and highlighted the instrument’s national importance, which will play a central role in supporting and inspiring the cathedral’s numerous services and events. The practical work for the renovation began in 2022, with most of the organ’s pipes being taken to specialists in Durham for further work. This was followed by the re-gilding of the organ’s exterior and the voicing of all 5,767 pipes, ensuring that the instrument remains a vital part of the cathedral’s rich musical tradition.

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