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Norfolk author Marie Reidie’s new Adventures of Ted book

Marie Reidie, a 41-year-old from Wretham, near Thetford, launched the first book in her Adventures of Ted series, called My New Home, on November 19. The story is set in the Royal Arcade and the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital (N&N) and follows a teddy left on top of a toy shop shelf that is searching for a better life. The book, aimed at two to five-year-olds, has swiftly been included in the monthly pick for the Golden Wizard Book Prize to put it on the shortlist for the 2024 award. It contains illustrations from Norwich-based artist Vicky Kuhn, and it marks the first time that Marie has had anything published.

The story is inspired by real-life events in Marie’s life, particularly the teddy bear that her father bought for her daughter Charlotte before he passed away. Charlotte carries the teddy bear, named ‘Grumps,’ everywhere with her, and Marie wanted to write this book to keep the memory of ‘Grumps’ alive. Marie’s father passed away in November 2021, but was able to read the book before his passing. In a bittersweet turn of events, he saw the book when it was just in Marie’s notes on her phone and thought it would be perfect for Charlotte to read.

Marie’s debut book, My New Home, has been a result of her New Year’s resolution to do something with the story and publish it. She is glad that she stuck to it and is looking forward to a follow-up to My New Home in the spring, which will be based in Cromer. This marks a significant achievement for Marie, as she has always been a keen writer but had never had anything published before. The story is a heartwarming tale that reflects Marie’s personal experiences and her love for her daughter, and it has quickly gained recognition and inclusion in a prestigious book prize.

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