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Norfolk and Waveney Remembrance Sunday 2023 tributes

In Norwich, a Remembrance service was held at the war memorial in front of City Hall, led by Rev Canon Edward Carter, of St Peter Mancroft church. Wreaths were laid and The Last Post was played to initiate a two-minute silence at 11am. A parade then marched through the streets of Norwich to Norwich Cathedral, marking the solemn occasion.

In Great Yarmouth, a Remembrance ceremony was held at St George’s Park, led by Rev Simon Ward of Yarmouth Minister. A parade of military cadets, charities, and organizations preceded the service, which drew in hundreds of people to pay their respects to the war dead of the borough and the nation.

In Lowestoft, the firing of a 105mm Light Gun from F (Spinx) Parachute Battery, 7th Parachute Regiment, Royal Horse Artillery marked the start and end of the two-minute silence. Meanwhile, in Hunstanton, over 500 people gathered for the Remembrance Sunday ceremony. Similar ceremonies were held in Loddon, King’s Lynn, Dereham, and countless other towns and villages across the region, each drawing in significant crowds to honor the fallen soldiers.

Additionally, on Armistice Day, over 100 local veterans, army cadets, and members of the public gathered at the Royal Norfolk Regiment Memorial Cottages in Mousehold, Norwich for the annual remembrance event. The service, conducted by Rev Canon Sally Theakston and with the participation of Langley School Combined Cadet Force, was attended by Lt Col Mark Nicholas as a representative of the Lord Lieutenant, Lady Dannatt. The annual event honors the armistice that ended World War One on November 11, 1918, and is held at the same time each year to remember and honor the sacrifices made by those who have served their country.

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