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Malcolm Metcalf to sign books at Longe Arms pub in Spixworth

Malcolm Metcalf has turned 90 years old and celebrated by completing his ambitious ’90 before 90′ challenge. This challenge consisted of Malcolm trying 90 new things before he turned 90, which included activities such as riding a Harley-Davidson, feeding a giant sea turtle, and flying an airplane. His mission was part of a fundraising effort for the Priscilla Bacon Lodge, which he supports. The challenge was a popular one and even led to Malcolm meeting the King during a visit to the lodge and being introduced to Canaries fans on the pitch at Carrow Road.

Despite completing his 90 before 90 challenge, Malcolm has now completed 106 things in total, and he has also published a book titled My Adventurous Life. The book features stories of Malcolm’s early years, including tales of his hitchhiking journey from Great Yarmouth to Australia. He hopes to raise money for the Priscilla Bacon Charity, with a goal of reaching a total of £500 from book sales. Malcolm will be signing copies of his book at the Longe Arms pub on December 9, and part of the proceeds from the sales will go to his chosen charity.

To further aid in his fundraising efforts, the Longe Arms pub will be hosting a Christmas raffle and a coffee morning. All the money made from the bacon rolls and food at the event will also go to Malcolm’s charity. Additionally, more donations for the Christmas raffle are being sought by Malcolm, and anyone who would like to contribute a prize can bring it to the Longe Arms or the Priscilla Bacon Hospice. Co-landlord of the Longe Arms, Daryl Jones, expressed that it was important for his team to help charities, and Malcolm’s story was one they really wanted to support. On the whole, the fundraising efforts are expected to make for an exciting day for Malcolm, and further help is being sought from the community in this regard.

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