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Lord Mayor of Norwich continues boxing club’s tradition

Norwich Lads Amateur Boxing Club has a long history, dating back to 1918, with the Lord Mayor of Norwich serving as its president since its inception. The club was established by John Henry Dain, chief constable of Norwich City Police, to provide children who became orphans during the First World War with a hobby and stability in their lives. Currently, the Lord Mayor of Norwich, James Wright, visited the club at its Hall Road gym and wore the official Lads Club medallions passed down through the years at City Hall. Established director Colin Bates, 72, discussed the impact the club has on children from broken homes, emphasizing the club’s role in their development.

The club has recently undergone refurbishment, including the addition of both male and female changing rooms with showers, catering to both male and female members. The Lord Mayor of Norwich, James Wright, visited the gym and was impressed by the energy and positive impact the club has on the children. He was particularly heartened to hear from older members how the club has kept them out of trouble and provided them with a sense of purpose. The head coach, Martin Faherty, who once trained British heavyweight star Herbie Hide, has been involved with the club for over 50 years alongside his son and grandson, emphasizing the importance of boxing in keeping children off the streets and guiding them to become good boxers and, most importantly, good people.

The director, Colin Bates, shared a heartwarming story of a mother whose child had been having tantrums but after a few weeks of sessions at the club, the tantrums had stopped, highlighting the positive impact of the club. It is clear that Norwich Lads Amateur Boxing Club plays a crucial role in providing children from challenging backgrounds with a sense of stability, guidance, and a positive outlet. The club’s focus on mentorship and character development sets it apart and makes it a valuable asset for children in the community. The commitment of the club’s leaders and the support it receives from the Lord Mayor of Norwich underscore its importance in the community.

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