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Keith Skipper looks at creating harmony in Norfolk

The author reflects on the idea of consulting someone else’s ideas for guidance on activities and travel plans, expressing a sense of insult at the thought. They reminisce about their days as a child, exploring their rural surroundings without any adult oversight, and the sense of freedom and personal responsibility it cultivated. The author expresses a longing for the independence and fun they experienced during their youth, lamenting the changes in the landscape and the disappearance of such experiences. They call for a united effort to celebrate the unique qualities of Norfolk and improve the quality of life for its residents and visitors.

The author then shares a list of “commandments,” or guidelines, for both native Norfolk residents and newcomers to the area. These include accepting and appreciating the differences in Norfolk culture, avoiding negative comments about local customs and landmarks, and embracing the unique humor of the region. They emphasize the importance of preserving the rural charm of Norfolk and encourage a positive and respectful attitude toward the local community.

The author acknowledges the challenges that face Norfolk and calls for a spirit of cooperation in addressing them. They humorously mention finding and taking Black Shuck, a legendary ghost dog, for a walk to explore the impact of progress on the green belt around Norwich. This statement reflects the author’s concern for maintaining the natural beauty and heritage of the area amidst development and change.

Overall, the content provides a thoughtful reflection on the uniqueness of Norfolk culture and countryside, as well as an appeal for respect, cooperation, and celebration of the region’s heritage. The author’s playful and humorous tone adds warmth and charm to their message.

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