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Celebrating jazz player Colin Burleigh’s 92nd birthday

Colin Burleigh is a multi-talented entertainer from Norfolk, known for his skills in music, singing, comedy, acting, and TV extras. He has had a lifelong career in entertainment, starting from performing in juvenile concert parties to appearing as an extra in TV shows and movies. His career also includes stints as a radio presenter, writer, and advisor. He has performed with well-known jazz bands, appeared on TV and radio, and worked with famous actors such as Stephen Fry and David Jason. Colin is also a member of the Friends of Norfolk Dialect and has written pantomime scripts for the group. He has also been a regular writer of letters to the EDP.

Despite his varied career, Colin attributes much of his success to the support of his wife, June, and is proud of his family, including his son, daughter, and grandchildren. In reflecting on his life, Colin expressed contentment and gratitude for the experiences he has had and the career he has built for himself. He believes that he wouldn’t want to change much about his life, except for having his family around him and enjoying simple pleasures like good food and traditional jazz. At 92 years old, Colin remains an important figure in Norfolk, appreciated for his contributions to the entertainment industry and the representation of the county.

Overall, Colin Burleigh is an accomplished entertainer from Norfolk, known for his multifaceted talents in music, comedy, acting, and broadcasting. He has had a long and successful career spanning various entertainment mediums, from performing in local concert parties to appearing in TV shows alongside well-known actors. Colin has also been a prominent figure in the Norfolk entertainment scene, playing a crucial role in organizations such as the Friends of Norfolk Dialect and contributing to the local media through his letter writing. Despite his achievements, Colin remains humble and grateful for the support of his family and appreciates the simple joys in life. At 92 years old, Colin continues to be a beloved and respected figure in Norfolk, appreciated for his lifelong dedication to the entertainment industry and his representation of the county’s culture and heritage.

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