Call to Prayer finds a new home in Heartsease

The Call to Prayer ministry is moving this summer to a new base in Heartsease. Jill Gower, its Director, explains the background.
This last year has changed so many things and much has happened for us as a ministry. Through it all we have been able to produce a Discipleship Course, “WHO I AM”, looking at who God is, and who we are in Him, and how the anointing of the five-fold ministry works in that context. This has gone out on YouTube, and several people from all over the country have also joined us on Zoom. It has been a great success.
Moving forward we are no longer able to afford the rent at Fishergate so will be moving out in June. However, we are very excited to be moving into our new premises which is a Gospel Hall in Heartsease. We believe this is going to be a great base for our ministry.
In September we are planning on having open meetings again and have an exciting programme. On Thursdays we are going to explore End Times, looking at what the Bible actually says and what to expect. In these days there is such a battle for the truth, it is good to get into the Word of God and process what has been foretold there.
On Fridays, our team will provide a discipleship element which will be more practical. For all these meetings we hopefully will be able to welcome people into our new premises, and will include Zoom and YouTube as well.
There will also be various prayer gatherings and conferences which we will let you know about.
Whilst prayer remains central, as well as our in-depth Bible teaching and discipleship programme, we will be changing our name to Light House. This is following on from a series of prophetic words and seems to incorporate who we are much more clearly. We will let you know when that happens, and our new address.
I hope you will stand with us in prayer, and if you are able to support us financially, we would be so grateful. We also need somewhere to store the Tabernacle for a couple of months; it would fit into a small garage. If you can help, please do contact me on [email protected].
You can learn more about the ministry here.
Pictured above is Jill Gower
Eldred Willey, 27/05/2021
Read the full article here