Heacham church hosts first Festival of Crosses

In its first Easter Festival of Crosses, St Mary’s Church in West Norfolk is displaying almost 100 crosses created by its ministry teams, community groups and local schools throughout April.
Easter Sunday saw the beginning of the first Festival of Crosses at St Mary’s Church, Heacham which will be open daily to the public until April 25.
Building on the popular trend of Christmas tree festivals, St Mary’s Church invited groups and individuals from across the local community, including several local schools to make and decorate Easter crosses.
Rev Veronica Wilson, Vicar of St Mary’s said: “The crosses have come together to form an attractive, creative, interesting and thought-provoking display, capturing the essence of the meaning of Easter for us.”
Brian Griffin, Churchwarden, who organised the festival said: “All our church groups were invited to participate, so we had participants aged 3 to 93! The Sunday school, Messy Church, Mother’s Union, home groups, music groups and even the cleaning team took part”.
“We also had crosses created by village organisations such as scout groups and local schools including Heacham Infant School, Heacham Junior School, Snettisham Primary School, Brancaster Primary School and a significant contribution from Watlington Primary School who used the project to carry their Easter story.”
The Easter Sunday service was based around the theme ‘What the cross means to me’ and this series will continue in the evening services through the Easter season.
St Mary’s Church is open daily between 10am and 4pm and all are welcome to come and view the Festival of Crosses until Monday April 25.
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