160 gather for annual Norfolk Bible conference

The ninth annual Word on the Wash Bible conference was held at the King’s Centre in King’s Lynn last month. The conference attracted 160 delegates from over 40 churches in the region and beyond. The event aimed to provide bible teaching, worship, and encouragement to attendees. This year’s main speaker was author and Bible teacher, Phil Moore. He focused on the story of Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead in the book of John as a metaphor for the current state of the church and its need for resurrection in order to be effective witnesses in the world.
In addition to the main sessions, the conference also included seminars led by Stephen Lloyd and Philip Powell. Stephen Lloyd, from the Biblical Creation Trust and Pastor of Hope Church in Gravesend, explored the topic of “Adam or Death: which came first?” Philip Powell, co-director of the Justice conference and Network Engagement Manager with Tearfund UK, discussed a Christian approach to climate change. Delegates were also provided with various mission stalls and a book stall by 10ofThose.
The Word on the Wash conference is associated with the annual Keswick Convention, which takes place in July each year. This convention has inspired similar local events around the world, including Word on the Wash. The next Word on the Wash conference is scheduled for October 5, 2024, with Ian Coffey set to be the main speaker. Overall, the conference provided an opportunity for attendees to deepen their understanding of the Bible, engage in worship, and fellowship with other believers.