Norwich Bluebell allotments vandalism makes family leave
Bluebell Allotments South, located in The Avenues near George Borrow Road, has been targeted by vandals. Sheds have been tipped over, smashed, and broken into, leading to one family giving up their plot due to ongoing vandalism. Katie Mullarkey, a resident in the area, has decided to stop renewing her lease at the allotments after being a victim of vandalism since owning a plot in 2020. She expressed frustration at the situation, stating that her shed’s locks were broken and panels were smashed in. She added that the vandalism has caused her to constantly worry about potential damage and has made the allotments no longer worth the hassle.
The Norwich City Council officer has sent a letter to some allotment owners, noting that they have identified the access point for the vandals and are working to secure the site. However, the process may take a few weeks. In the meantime, the vandalism has caused allotment holders like Helen Mandley to contemplate leaving the area. Mandley, who has had an allotment at Bluebell South since 2003, has noticed an increase in crime and is concerned about the safety of being at the allotments. She explained that the ongoing issue is causing people to consider giving up their plots.
Allotment vandalism is not a new issue, despite the allotments dating back to 1924. The recent incidents are just the latest in a string of vandal attacks. Mullarkey and Mandley have both experienced vandalism in the past, including smashed bottles, broken greenhouses, and other damage. While there is a waiting list for plots at the allotment, the annual cost for a standard plot is affordable. The council advises tenants to report criminal activity to the police and create a crime reference number in order for potential action to be taken.
The ongoing vandalism at Bluebell Allotments South has led to frustration and concerns among allotment holders. Individuals like Katie Mullarkey and Helen Mandley have experienced damage to their sheds and are considering leaving the area due to the ongoing issue. The Norwich City Council is working to secure the site, but the process may take some time. Despite the waiting list for plots and affordable cost, the vandalism has caused some holders to reconsider their involvement in the allotments. It is a concerning issue that is affecting the community and creating safety concerns for those who wish to continue enjoying their plots.