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Norfolk police warning after people targeted by fake officer

Multiple victims in areas such as Norwich, Breckland, and South Norfolk have been approached by fraudsters using a telephone scam. The fraudsters have been posing as a police detective, claiming that the victim’s bank cards have been cloned and money has been taken. These attempts to gain banking information have all been unsuccessful.

This type of fraud is known as courier fraud and occurs when someone receives a phone call from a fraudster claiming to be a police officer, bank employee, or government official. In response to these incidents, Norfolk Constabulary has advised people across the county to check in on vulnerable friends and family to ensure they are aware of these scams. They have also urged anyone who has received a similar telephone call to contact the police using the non-emergency number 101 and quoting Operation Radium.

It is clear that the police are taking this issue seriously and are actively working to prevent further victims from falling for this scam. This type of fraud preys on the vulnerable and it is important for people to be aware and vigilant. The fact that the fraudsters have been unsuccessful in gaining banking information from their victims is a positive sign and indicates that people may be becoming more aware of the tactics used by fraudsters. However, it is still important for the public to remain cautious and report any suspicious activity to the authorities.

Overall, it is important for the public to be aware of the potential for telephone scams and to remain cautious when receiving unsolicited calls asking for personal or banking information. By reporting any suspicious activity to the police and by checking in on vulnerable friends and family, people can work together to prevent further victims from falling for these types of scams. It is clear that the police are actively working to address this issue and by working together, the public can help to prevent further incidents of courier fraud.

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