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Norfolk police officer turned blind eye to partner drug use

PC Grace Lee was found to have failed to take action in the face of evidence of drug misuse and supply, as determined by a misconduct hearing overseen by Norfolk chief constable Paul Sanford. Despite leaving the police force, it was found that her conduct amounted to gross misconduct, leading to the conclusion that, had she still been serving, she would have been dismissed without notice. The full extent of the illegal activities she ignored were not disclosed during the hearing, but it was revealed that she had failed to report intelligence or knowledge of drug taking and the supply of drugs by her associates, including her partner. Additionally, she was found to have violated the Disclosable Associations policy, which requires all police officers to disclose connections with criminals or those who pose a risk of corruption.

Although PC Grace Lee was not present at the hearing and declined to send a representative, the disciplinary proceedings went ahead in her absence. Chief constable Paul Sanford expressed satisfaction with this decision, stating that the evidence presented clearly indicated that Lee had breached the expected standards of professional behavior, particularly in regards to honesty, integrity, and discreditable conduct. He cited her failure to act on her suspicions, noting that it was only through the diligence of her colleagues that the evidence of her misconduct was brought to light. At the conclusion of the hearing, it was asserted that her actions were not the result of ignorance, but rather a conscious decision to turn a blind eye to the illegal activities.

The case of PC Grace Lee’s misconduct is part of a broader crackdown on officer misconduct within Norfolk police. The chief constable’s pledge to address this issue reflects a dedication to upholding the highest standards of professional behavior within the force. The decision to proceed with the disciplinary proceedings in the absence of the former officer sends a strong message about the consequences of failing to uphold these standards. Ultimately, Lee’s case serves as a reminder of the importance of integrity, honesty, and accountability within law enforcement, and highlights the role that colleagues play in holding each other accountable.

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