Pioneer UK leader speaks at Sheringham church

Ness Wilson, national leader of the Pioneer network of churches, was the main speaker at a day of teaching and worship held at Lighthouse Community Church in Sheringham on 12 October, to be followed up by Word and Worship sessions during October half term. Tony Rothe reports.
The theme of the day was “Not Ashamed”, and Ness spoke of her Christian journey through childhood, university, church life, and the founding of Open Heaven Church and Pioneer UK, as well as the joys and tragedies of family life. She acknowledged the guiding and comforting presence of God and the Holy Spirit through all these experiences.
Later in the day, Ness explained more about the Pioneer movement, its values and role, and how it can support and help churches in their outreach. Ian Savory, Pete Skivington, and Daniel Ward, leaders at Lighthouse Community Church, also shared their thoughts.
Ness is the national leader of Pioneer UK, which serves and strengthens existing churches and helps establish new church plants. She is a champion for women in leadership and serves on the Evangelical Alliance Council, the LICC Board and the Wildfires Festival Core Team. She is also the Team Leader of Open Heaven, a church in Loughborough. She is responsible for the vision, direction, and spiritual health of the church community. During her time in leadership, whole-life discipleship has been at the core of Open Heaven’s culture and focus.
Pioneer is a relational network that connects, inspires and equips churches in the UK and globally. Their aim is to play a part in the re-evangelisation of the nations, plant new churches, equip existing churches, and release leaders and influencers in every sphere of society. They endeavour to do this by developing strong resource churches that are able to support other churches as they, in turn, serve their communities, towns and cities.
Following a successful run of “Word and Worship” mornings during the summer holidays, Lighthouse will be holding three similar sessions on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 25 to 27 October from 9.45am to 10.35am each day. These will be led by Connor Winston with a message from Tim Waller.
“These follow on from our successful Kapel meetings which have been running every Tuesday morning” explained senior leader Ian Savory. “They provide an opportunity to gather together for a short while in a fairly informal setting to worship God and perhaps hear what He has to say. Anyone is welcome to join us, whether you are a Lighthouse regular or just want to find out what goes on here.”
Lighthouse Café will be open when the sessions end, so coffees, teas, cakes, and even bacon rolls will be available for those who wish to stay a little longer and chat for a while.
Lighthouse is at 62 Cromer Road, Sheringham, NR26 8RT.
For more about the Pioneer Network, visit:
Read our previous story about Lighthouse “Word and Worship”
The picture of Ness Wilson is courtesy of Pioneer UK.
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Tony Rothe, 18/10/2022
Read the full article here