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Calls for scourge of shoplifting to be tackled in Norwich

Shadow Home Secretary Yvette Cooper visited Norwich during Respect for Shopworkers Week and met with retail workers to discuss the increasing issue of shoplifting in the area. She highlighted the alarming 23% rise in shoplifting from March 2022 to March 2023, in line with a national surge of 25%. Cooper emphasized the need for stronger action against shoplifting and announced that the Labour party would scrap the Conservative government’s decision to downgrade police responses to shoplifting under £200 if they win the next election.

In addition to addressing the issue of shoplifting, Cooper also discussed the need to make it easier to take action against repeat offenders and to create a new specific offence of assault against retail workers. Retail workers in Norwich shared their experiences with shoplifting, with one manager recalling instances of individuals attempting to shoplift items and running out of the store when confronted. Another worker reported that despite reporting stolen items and having CCTV, shoplifters continue to act with impunity.

During her visit, Yvette Cooper was alongside Labour’s candidate for Norwich North, Alice MacDonald. MacDonald reiterated the Labour Party’s determination to tackle shoplifting and emphasized their proposed measures to make a real difference in addressing the issue. On the other hand, Nick Rose, the conservative candidate for Norwich North, recognized shoplifting as an absolute priority for the government and emphasized the need for a better Crown Prosecution Service, a better justice service, and better police management to address the issue.

In conclusion, Yvette Cooper’s visit to Norwich shed light on the increasing problem of shoplifting, both in Norwich and nationally. She highlighted the need for stronger action against shoplifting and discussed the Labour Party’s proposed measures to address the issue, including scrapping the Tories’ decision to downgrade police responses to shoplifting under £200 if they win the next election. Retail workers in Norwich shared their firsthand experiences with shoplifting and the challenges they face in reporting and addressing the issue. Both the Labour and Conservative candidates for Norwich North emphasized the importance of addressing shoplifting and proposed measures to address the issue, with a focus on providing more resources for police and strengthening laws against shoplifting.

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