Funding for renewed roof at Norwich church

The renewal of the roof and loft over the Victorian part of the church hall buildings adjoining St. Barnabas Church in Norwich was recently completed thanks to funding from several charitable bodies.
The work required at St. Barnabas Church included replacement underlay, repairs, insulation, strengthening and improvements over a six months period which ended in April 2023. The building comprises a ground and first floor with various self-contained and shared rooms, kitchens and toilets facilities.
The aim of the project was to enable its continued use by the independent St. Barnabas Counselling Centre and Princes Trust as well as the church and groups in order to serve the congregation, local community and beyond. Terry Burkill, Churchwarden and PCC Treasurer said, “With the overall cost being well in excess of £100,000 this has inevitably proved time-consuming and expensive, albeit with a worthwhile outcome. The disturbance also necessitated temporary relocation and upheaval for the Counselling Centre.”
St. Barnabas PCC wishes to acknowledge the generosity of grants awarded by several of the charitable bodies sourced, in total over £27,000, including the Garfield Weston Foundation, Benefact Trust, Geoffrey Watling Charity and Bernard Sunley Foundation.
Meanwhile, St. Barnabas Church recently celebrated the 120th anniversary of the laying of its foundation stone in 1903 which the historical records document as having been similarly financially challenging leading to the opening of the Church in January 1906. The parish of the redundant mother Church of St. Bartholomew Heigham was united with its parish in 1975. Much of this united parish was subject to a local authority clearance programme in the 1960’s and 1970’s. During 2017, the Mitre benefice was created with this parish becoming one of its three constituents. Rev. Tom Eagles was instituted as the current Vicar two years ago in July 2021.
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