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Why quiet autumn is my perfect season on Norfolk’s coast

The arrival of autumn is evident in this melancholic depiction of a seaside town. The atmosphere is filled with a sense of decay, sadness, and farewell as the summer season comes to an end. The hustle and bustle of tourists are replaced by a more measured pace, with locals reclaiming the town. The author describes the balance that Cromer must strike between being a popular resort and a desirable place to live, highlighting the challenges faced by the town such as traffic congestion and a reluctance to cater to the needs of younger residents. However, the town also boasts its own unique attractions, including a lifeboat pride, a pier, and a strong community spirit. The author emphasizes the importance of maintaining the town’s family-friendly atmosphere and its reputation as a dependable holiday destination. They also playfully mention the complaints of locals about the influx of tourists. The author shares their personal experience of seeking respite from the crowded coast by exploring inland areas or taking railway trips in Norfolk and Suffolk. The rise of digital distractions and anti-social habits is seen as a challenge to the tranquility of such travels. Despite this, the author embraces the quieter, slower pace of autumn in Cromer and looks forward to the friendly rivalry with neighboring Sheringham. They humorously mention the possibility of encountering a UN peacekeeping force stationed nearby and eagerly anticipate the next tourist rush in 2024.

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