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Birmingham mob attacks Norwich fans after Carrow Road defeat

The yobbos had been at their team’s 2-0 defeat at Carrow Road and were sat on buses opposite Gem, in Thorpe Road. 

The fans are seen leaving the bus before fighting outside the entrance of the restaurant while others rush inside. 


James Grundy, Gem’s manager, said four buses stopped at the lights at the junction and some passengers began hurling abuse at people passing by. 

He added: “They suddenly rushed over after getting off the bus and were dragging people around, hitting them, smashing up the bar and people’s glasses.”

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The new video, recorded from a Birmingham City bus, shows a gang backing two thugs as they approach and attack two passersby.

A larger mob can then be seen swarming to the scene and bustling into the restaurant. 

As more flock across the road those fighting are pushed inside and one man can be seen cheering, dancing and gesturing to the bus.

Shocked staff try to calm the situation but the louts pay little attention.

Police were called but the hooligans had already left. 

Anyone with any information should contact Sgt Darren Harper at Norfolk Police on 101 or at [email protected], quoting incident number 353.




Read the full article here

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