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Norfolk weather forecast: Highs of 25C this weekend

The forecaster has said conditions will become increasingly dry and sunny over the next few days.

A spokesman for the Met Office said: “A slight change in wind direction towards the end of the week will allow temperatures to climb across Norfolk, reaching the low to mid-twenties by Saturday.”

He added that temperatures could reach 25C on Sunday, making it warmer than Santorini in Greece where it is predicted to be 24C.

READ MORE: Blue-green algae toxic to dogs found in Neatished, Norfolk

Unseasonably warm weather is forecast for the whole of the UK but the south is set to see the warmest temperatures.

The hottest temperature recorded in the UK in October was on October 1 2011 in Gravesend, where temperatures reached 29.9C.

The average October temperature for the UK is 13C.

According to the Met Office, this week’s warm conditions will be “short-lived” and settle by early next week as the wind swings around to the north and northwest. 

Read the full article here

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