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Cold callers target homes in north Norfolk and Sprowston

Norfolk Constabulary is warning residents in north Norfolk and Broadland to be cautious following a series of recent incidents involving door-to-door cold callers. Seven reports were received on Wednesday of men attempting to sell items in Wighton, Station Road in Holt, and Knowle Crescent in Sheringham. Another report was received on Monday of a man offering to sell household items in Wroxham Road in Sprowston. The police are advising residents to be wary of strangers who turn up unannounced at their door and to close and lock their back door before answering the front door if they do not recognize the person.

According to a spokesperson for Norfolk Constabulary, some cold callers may claim to be recently released from prison or in rehabilitation and in need of money. The police advise residents to never agree to buy goods from or have work done by someone who calls unannounced at their door. In many cases, these traders don’t provide full names, trading addresses, or contact telephone numbers, making it difficult to trace them if there are any problems with the work or goods. If a stranger is selling something or offering to do work on the house or garden, residents are advised to tell them that they are not interested and ask them to leave.

The warning comes after a recent spate of incidents involving door-to-door cold callers in the area. The police are urging residents to be cautious and to report any suspicious activity to the authorities. Anyone with information about suspected rogue traders can contact the police on 101. The police are also advising residents to take precautions to protect themselves and their property. These precautions include closing and locking the back door before answering the front door if a stranger is there, speaking through the closed and locked door, and refusing to buy goods or have work done by unannounced traders.

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