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Anna Mudeka discusses how we can be proud of being from Norfolk

The author reflects on their experience of building a successful career based in Norfolk, away from the major cities like London. They recall facing skepticism and questioning from others about the viability of working in Norfolk, but were determined to prove that success can be achieved outside of the big cities. The author encourages young creatives to be passionate and dedicated to their work, emphasizing that success can be found outside of London.

The author recently received an award from Euroknowledge for Philanthropy and Leadership in Nation Building, which was presented at the House of Lords. The event brought together influential individuals from all over the world, including leaders, philanthropists, and achievers in various fields. The author was honored to receive the award alongside other impressive individuals and engage in discussions about leadership and philanthropy.

During the event, the author had the opportunity to network with individuals involved in a housing development project in Kings Lynn, establishing potential connections for future collaborations. They also had the meaningful experience of signing the House of Commons Nelson Mandela Book of Tribute. Despite the life-changing experience in London, the author remains grateful for the support and recognition they received from their local community in Norfolk, acknowledging that they wouldn’t be where they are today without the support of others.

The author concludes by expressing gratitude for the nomination that allowed them to be recognized at the House of Lords and looks forward to the next chapter in their career. The experience serves as a testament to the possibilities of success outside of major cities, showcasing the impact and potential of individuals dedicated to making a positive change in their communities.

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