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Candlelit Advent procession lights up Norwich Cathedral

To celebrate the start of Advent, Norwich Cathedral hosted a candlelit procession attended by 750 people. The Dean of Norwich, the Very Rev Andrew Braddock, spoke about the service that wove together the themes of waiting and hope, reflecting on the light of God’s love shining in the darkness of the world. The procession was described as a powerful start to Advent and the preparations for Christmas. The cathedral will continue its Christmas preparations with a free Advent Open Evening that will include festive craft activities for children, guided tours, and seasonal music played on the organ. Attendees will also have the opportunity to hang a star on the Tree of Remembrance outside the Hostry and light candles in the Cathedral’s Nave.

In addition to the Advent Open Evening, the occasion will also serve as a return for the Cathedral organ which has undergone a £1.8m rebuild to preserve the historic instrument for generations to come. The free Advent Open Evening will continue to provide visitors with the chance to enjoy festive activities in the countdown to Christmas. This includes the opportunity to explore the cathedral, take part in craft activities, and listen to seasonal music played on the restored organ. Attendees will also be able to hang a star on the Tree of Remembrance outside the Hostry and light candles in the Cathedral’s Nave. The cathedral will continue its preparations for Christmas with this event, celebrating the start of Advent and looking forward to the holiday season.

The candlelit procession at Norwich Cathedral marked the beginning of Advent, with 750 people in attendance. The service of the procession was described as powerful, weaving together the themes of waiting and hope as reflections on the light of God’s love shining in the darkness of the world. The preparations for Christmas will continue with a free Advent Open Evening at the cathedral, offering festive craft activities for children, guided tours, and seasonal music played on the organ. In addition to the festive activities, attendees will have the chance to hang a star on the Tree of Remembrance outside the Hostry and light candles in the Cathedral’s Nave, as well as see the return of the Cathedral organ following its £1.8m rebuild.

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