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Kerwin Blackburn exhibits new art collection in Norwich

Local artist Mr. Blackburn is exhibiting his collection of pop star portraits at a gallery in Norwich. The paintings are done in a Jackson Pollock-inspired style and feature a wide range of pop stars, from Diana Ross to Jay-Z. Mr. Blackburn’s process involves spending 40-50 hours over three to four weeks on each standard size painting, using masking tape to block off the background before applying his Jackson Pollock technique with layers of acrylic paint. The exhibition has been running for six days and will continue until December 4, with hundreds of visitors already in attendance.

As a native of Norwich, Mr. Blackburn believes that people appreciate seeing a local artist whose background they can relate to. He has also noted that his style of art is not commonly found in Norwich and Norfolk, which makes his work stand out in the local art scene. Despite this, he has exhibited his artwork in other cities like London, Manchester, and New York, where he draws inspiration from artists like Jackson Pollock and Andy Warhol. Mr. Blackburn expressed his excitement to meet new people during the second week of the exhibition and noted that his paintings are available for purchase on his website, www.bykerwin.com.

The artist’s dedication to his craft is evident, with each painting taking a significant amount of time and effort to complete. His use of the Jackson Pollock technique adds a unique and vibrant element to his portraits of pop stars, making them eye-catching and appealing to a wide range of art enthusiasts. The exhibition has already attracted a diverse audience, from tourists to locals, and Mr. Blackburn anticipates meeting even more people in the coming days. With a strong connection to his hometown and a passion for his art, Mr. Blackburn’s exhibition is a testament to his talent and the impact of his work in the local and global art scene.

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