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7 Norfolk and Suffolk differences I noticed after moving

I recently relocated from a small village near Bury St Edmunds to Norwich, and despite the rivalry between the two counties, I am proud to call both places home. In my short time in Norwich, I have noticed several differences between the two areas. Firstly, the beaches in Norfolk, such as Great Yarmouth and Wells, are sandy, while Suffolk’s beaches are mostly pebbly. Additionally, Norfolk offers a larger variety of restaurants, with options ranging from award-winning Malaysian cuisine to street food favorites in the city center market.

Another notable difference is the wildlife, as Norfolk’s coastline is home to a large population of seals in places such as Blakeney Point and Horsey beach. In contrast, Suffolk is more known for its connections to horse racing. Norfolk is also home to several well-known celebrities, including Stephen Fry, Roger Taylor, and Jason Statham, which adds to its appeal. The accents and slang in Norfolk are distinct from Suffolk, with local phrases and accents that differ between the two areas.

In terms of infrastructure, Norfolk’s roads seem to have fewer potholes compared to Suffolk, but road closures are more frequent. Additionally, the nightlife in Norwich offers a stark contrast to the limited options in Bury St Edmunds, with a greater variety of entertainment and a bustling city atmosphere. Overall, my move from Suffolk to Norwich has allowed me to appreciate the unique differences between the two areas and has given me the opportunity to explore and embrace all that Norwich has to offer.

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